Who will Habib 2020 fight with? Tony Ferguson, Conor McGregor, Mayweather
KOGDATA.RU — Nurmagomedov Habib April 2020 - the date of the battle with Tony Ferguson in online broadcasting will be watched for free on the channel below. Forecast, airtime, video of the battle of April 18th. Who did win?
Habib Nurmagomedov and Tony Ferguson - the two undoubted leaders of the UFC light weight category, still can not determine which of them is the real champion. Both guys go on a series of 12 consecutive wins in the UFC, which is a record lightweight division.
Habib’s fight against Tony has been canceled 4 times, which makes this confrontation even more expected. These two guys cleared the entire division, and their potential fight again became the most talked about. Автор: Артем Маслов
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For the first time, Nurmagomedov and Ferguson were supposed to split the octagon in 2015, but Habib got a rib injury and he was replaced by Edson Barbosa, who was strangled in a bloody battle in the second round.
The next attempt to conduct their battle was in 2016, but Ferguson was injured and the battle was canceled.
In 2017, before the fight with Tony, Habib was hospitalized due to a heavy weight-raiser.
In 2018, when no one believed that the fight could break 4 times, Tony tears a bunch on his knee on the day of the battle.
Since 2015, when they were supposed to fight for the first time, both won 6 victories, but could not split the octagon, as if something from above did not want any of the fighters to lose.
Dana White promised that he would never again organize this fight, after the last cancellation.
But at the moment, Habib is the champion, and Tony is the unconditional contender and again their paths intersect, and many consider their fight the most expected in the UFC, with which I completely agree.
Ferguson challenged Habib to hold a fight in December, “Eagle” is ignoring this proposal, but we hope that he will agree soon and the contracts will be signed.
So, we got to the bottom and I want to make out why this fight is dangerous for Khabib, in comparison with his previous rivals.
1) Weight category.
Habib’s two previous rivals are former featherweight, and Habib would never have gotten a featherweight, which suggests that he has an advantage in power over Conor McGregor and Dustin Porrier. Tony Ferguson is a true overall lightweight, which will not be inferior to Habib in size and weight, respectively, and in strength.
2) Stamina.
Again, take Porrier and McGregor, they were both exhausted after 2 rounds, and even earlier, as for Tony, he just starts to accelerate and the longer the battle lasts, the more confident he feels. He wears out opponents, as does Habib. And here it will be interesting to see which of the two cardio machines will be more resistant.
3) Fight + BJ.
Ferguson has an excellent freestyle wrestling base from his university years, which he added with a black belt for Brazilian jiu-jitsu from Eddie Bravo. Tony has excellent skills in pain and asphyxiation, he is the author of three Darzas out of 22 in the history of the UFC. Of all Khabib’s rivals, only Al Yakvinta had a free-style wrestling base, and then not at the same level as Ferguson’s. And with Al Habib it was not easy. It is worth noting that Tony distinguishes precisely attacks from the stalls, because even lying on his back, he constantly threatens his counterpart with elbow punches and attempts to make an appointment. It is also worth recalling the suffocating reception from Porrier, as Khabib said, he was close, and Tony is much better than Dustin in this aspect. Most likely, the “Eagle” will be able to knock down “El Kukuya”, but will it be able to work in the stalls as freely as with previous opponents?
4) Swipe hands.
Nurmagomedov makes excellent use of the footwork for defense in the rack, despite the fact that he was inferior in length to his previous rivals, Khabib forces the fighters to reach behind him and reduce the distance, using this to get into his legs. In the last battle, it was clear how hard it was for Dustin to reach Habib, and he was afraid of shortening the distance for the strike because of fear of takedown. Tony’s arms are 11 cm longer than Porier’s and 16 cm longer than Habib’s, which suggests that Tony will be able to take advantage in the strike more effectively than Dustin and Conor.
5) Psychology.
Tony goes on a series of 12 consecutive victories, he had long forgotten what defeat means and even when he had great difficulty in battles, he found a way to win. Tony's psychology will not allow him to give up and give way.

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